

Fitness – The Strip CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Strength The start of this week we will be doing a good old fashion strength set 5×3! Start Each set fairly heavy and small jumps if you can, these are not meant to be finding a 3 rep max but yet 5 heavy sets that if you […]

CF2/21/22 Read More »


Fitness – The Strip CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Bench Press (3-2-2-1-1-1) Every 3 Minutes Building Weighted Pull-ups (3-2-2-1-1-1) Metcon (Calories) Every 90 seconds for 15min 5 Pullups 10 Push-ups 15 Air Squats Max Calories in Remainder RX Row Cals RX+ Bike CalsMake sure you are getting 30-45sec on the Calories or try scaling to 4/8/12

3/18/22 Read More »


Fitness – The Strip CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Metcon (4 Rounds for time) Butts, Guts & Lil Cardio! In a 10min Window Complete, Start Wherever A. 5 Rounds of: 200m Run 15 Toes to Bar or Abmat Situps B. 5 Rounds of: 200m Run 15 Front Rack Lunges 75/55 Or Challenge Yourself w OH! C.

CF3/17/22 Read More »


Fitness – The Strip CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Strength This week we will be testing our 1 rep maxes on the 3 main lifts we’ve been working on for the past 8 weeks along with another on Friday just bc its fun 🙂 Lets see some PRs!! Monday: Back Squat Tuesday: Olympic Lifts Wednesday: Deadlift

CF3/16/22 Read More »


Fitness – The Strip CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Strength This week we will be testing our 1 rep maxes on the 3 main lifts we’ve been working on for the past 8 weeks along with another on Friday just bc its fun 🙂 Lets see some PRs!! Monday: Back Squat Tuesday: Olympic Lifts Wednesday: Deadlift

CF3/15/22 Read More »


Fitness – The Strip CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Strength This week we will be testing our 1 rep maxes on the 3 main lifts we’ve been working on for the past 8 weeks along with another on Friday just bc its fun 🙂 Lets see some PRs!! Monday: Back Squat Tuesday: Olympic Lifts Wednesday: Deadlift

CF3/14/22 Read More »

Open Workout 22.3

Fitness – The Strip CrossFit View Public Whiteboard CrossFit Games Open 22.3 RX (Ages 16-54) (Time) For time: 21 pull-ups 42 double-unders 21 thrusters (weight 1) 18 chest-to-bar pull-ups 36 double-unders 18 thrusters (weight 2) 15 bar muscle-ups 30 double-unders 15 thrusters (weight 3) Time cap: 12 minutes F: 65 lb, then 75 lb, then

Open Workout 22.3 Read More »


Simply fill out the form below and then schedule Your FREE intro session on the next page.

Shortly after we will be in touch with you to confirm your intro session.

We are excited to meet you!


We Would Love To Meet You!

If you would like to reserve a spot proceed to the button below to reserve your spot in advance.


$25/day, $75/week, $125/2 weeks


4325 Dean Martin Dr #315, Las Vegas, NV 89103, USA


(702) 766- 7716

We really hope that you loved our workout! If you would like to become a part of our online community, be able to track your lifts, record your times with our community click the link below and try out a month completely FREE!!


4325 Dean Martin Dr #315, Las Vegas, NV 89103, USA


(702) 766- 7716

Stephanie Sawicki


Hey I’m Steph! Im from Wisconsin but moved to Las Vegas to go to UNLV where I got my bachelors degree in Kinesiology. I’m very passionate about health and fitness and I’ve always been a very active person. I played sports my whole life, with my main focus being Track & Field which I did all throughout high school and college. When I was done with college sports I didn’t really know what to do with myself. That’s when I found CrossFit and I was hooked right away. It immediately gave me that same “team” feel and competitive drive I’ve always gotten out of sports. I love that every single day is a new challenge, and there is always something you can improve on, both as an athlete and a coach. My favorite part about CrossFit is the community, there’s always a group of people ready to cheer you on and it’s extremely rewarding as a coach to be able to help others push themselves and improve every single day.


CrossFit Level 1 Certification

Meredith Martelle


Meredith began taking Crossfit classes when she realized working out on her own just wasn’t cutting it. As a competitive swimmer throughout her life, she enjoyed being around a community and team atmosphere; which she found again in Crossfit. Helping others achieve goals, pushing through workouts together and accomplishing new feats are a few of her favorite things about coaching fellow Crossfitters.


CrossFit Level 1 Certification

Kandice Ruckle


 I grew up in a small town in Arizona, I moved to Henderson in 2017 with my husband and 2 kids.
I grew up doing competitive gymnastics and dance so from a young age I was very active. I think thats one of the biggest reasons crossfit has stuck with my lifestyle, the challenges of pushing yourself in a positive environment and seeing results in balance, strength and overall performance as an athlete. I currently hold a level 2 crossfit training certification and have been coaching crossfit since 2014.

I really love getting to help people reach their goals and educate them on a healthier life style. Watching them week after week improve and do things they came in saying they would never be able to do. It’s very rewarding.


CrossFit Level 1 Trainer

Joe Tepe


When Joseph moved to Las Vegas, he discovered crossfit through a friend’s recommendation. He began attending classes regularly and became hooked. He currently has a level 2 crossfit trainer certification and aims to pursue level 3 and 4 certifications as a gym owner in the near future. He hopes to see more individuals fall in love with crossfit as he has and aspires to show others that weight loss is possible.

He believes that surrounding yourself with a positive and motivating community is the key to a healthy lifestyle. Through The Strip Crossfit, Joe continues to teach other about Crossfit and encourage members with their own health and fitness goals.


CrossFit Level 3 Certification
 Bachelors in Exercise Science, Master in Kinesiology, USA Weightlifting, CrossFit Kids, Adaptive CrossFit, Precision Nutrition, Cenegenics Nutrition


To Request a membership hold, please fill out the form below. Warning, by filling out this form your membership will not be put on hold. This form is simply a way to let us know you would like to request a membership hold. We will then review your request, then reach out to you to confirm.


Please fill out the form below and one of our team members will review your request. Warning. The submission of this form does not cancel your membership. We will review your request, then reach out to confirm.


We Would Love To Meet You!

Simply fill out the form below
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coaches will be in touch asap! We are excited to meet you!


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