Fitness – The Strip CrossFit
Week 1 of our next 4 week Cycle
This week we will be setting the weight that we will use for the next 4 weeks
All week Building to 3 Rep Maxes
Then 4 sets of 3 at that weight, then 4×4 and last 4×5
Monday: Back Squat
Tuesday: Snatch & Clean
Wednesday: Deadlift and Press
Thursday: Butts, Guts & Cardio
Friday: CF Open Workout 22.2
Saturday: Partner Workout
Sunday: Gymnastics Progressions
Back Squat (3-3-3-3)
Every 3minutes Building to a 3 rep heavy or MAX
Super Set with 6-8 Heavy Weighted Hanging Knee Raises
This will be the weight used for the next 3 weeks so lets hit some big lifts!!!
Metcon (Time)
Front Squats 95/65
Directly into
45 Burpees over Bar
RX+ Overhead Squats and C2B
12min Time Cap