Fitness – The Strip CrossFit
Full Week Programming
This is the last building week before we test all of these out next week!! So give it your all on these max rep tests and some BIG Lunge numbers to start the week 🙂
Monday: Back Rack Lunges
Tuesday: Push Press
Wednesday: Long Form Cardio 🙂
Thursday: Power Clean & Front Squat
Friday: Bench Press
Bench Press
5 Reps at 75%
3 Reps at 85%
Max Reps at 95%
Every 3minutes Superset with 8-10 Underhand Grip Barbell Rows
Metcon (Time)
Double Under (same singles)
Abmat Sit-ups
*5 Box Jumps after each 24/20
RX+ 30″
So it goes 50 DUs then 5 BJ the 50 sit-ups 5 BJ, 40s and so on
Extra Credit
4 sets of 10 Mixed Grip Bicep Curls