Fitness – The Strip CrossFit
Full Week Programming
As we move into cycle 2 of 3 in our strength series this is going to be VERY beneficial if we put our last numbers into the system. Percentage work is all best utilized when we are working from something current. Even if we weren’t able to PR last time really hit those third set +’s with as many reps as you can. This will really build us up for the next test week in 3 weeks!
Being Monday is a Holiday I still really wanted to hit a Hero WOD along with our squats. That being said if you do it RX it will probably run over so feel free to scale to two rounds of the workout 🙂
Fridays we will be focusing the first part of class on Getting the strength possible to get up onto the rings or working muscle up technique/cycling
Monday: Back Squats + Hero WOD “Badger”
Tuesday: Bench Press
Wednesday: Snatch Technique Work + Core
Thursday: Deadlift & Shoulder Press
Friday: Muscle Up or Pull-ups/Dips
5 Reps At 65%
5 Reps at 75%
5+ Reps at 85% QUALITY!!
Alternating 2 minutes with Shoulder Press
Shoulder Press
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
In a 4min Window complete:
5 Deadlifts 275/195 or 75%
500/400m Row
5 Deadlifts 275/195 or 75%
Max Push-ups in Remaining
RX+ Strict Handstand Push-ups
Rest 1 Minute then Repeat2 additional times