TSCF/TVF/TSBB – The Strip CrossFit
Full Week Programming
Test Week for maxes. Its the first full week of the year, time to see where we are at and be able to best track over the year!
Monday: Back Squat
Tuesday: Bench Press
Wednesday: Core & Cardio
Thursday: Front or Overhead Squat
Friday: Clean or Snatch
Back Squat (Heavy Single or 3 Rep)
20min to build to a heavy single
Suggestion 5-5-3-2-1-1-1
6 sets of 3 reps every 3minutes
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
12min AMRAP
1500/1200m Row
Directly into Rounds of
DB Front Squats 50s/35s
Score is just the rounds of Squats and Pullups