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All Henderson Classes starting Monday 3/17 are now located under its own Tab Tread Henderson. You can change this up in the top left of the app
TSCF/TVF/TSBB – The Strip CrossFit
Full Week Programming
Its Test Week! Time to get some new percentages in on the main lifts!
Monday: Back squat
Tuesday: Bench & Row
Wednesday: Cardio Core and Stretch
Thursday: Deadlift & Strict Press
Friday: Squat Clean
Back Squat
Every 3min Building
5 Reps at 75%
3 Reps at 85%
Then 12 additional minutes to build to a 1 Rep Max
**Rest as Needed
Workout (Time)
25-20-15-10-5 (RX+ start with 30)
Wall Balls 20/14
KB Swings American 53/35
Box Jump Overs 24/20
Really good at all movements and still think you can do it under 12-15min? Add 30 to the beginning!