Fitness – The Strip CrossFit
Full Week Programming
This is TEST week so I really hope that everyone that can shows up as much as they can to get some new numbers! Next week we will be deloading the weights and adding in some additional “sweat” intervals to give our bodies some time to recover from the heavier weights this week so really give it all you’ve got!!
Monday: Back Sqaut
Tuesday: Bench Press
Wednesday: Long Form Cardio EMOM
Thursday: Deadlift & Strict Press
Friday: Oly Technique
Saturday: Partner WOD
Sunday: Gymnastics Skillz!
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
36min EMOM
15/12 Cal Row
15 Box Jumps 24/20
15/12 Cal Bike
15 Wall Balls 20/14
15 Situps
*1min rest after a full round completed
RX+ BJ 30″, WB 25/20#, and GHD
You can scale up any or all of the movements, only select RX+ on entering score though if you do all 3
Score is out of max 30