Fitness – The Strip CrossFit
Full Week Programming
As we approach the next few hotter months we are going to really dial up the strength! Focusing on the primary 3 lifts (squat/deadlift/press), we will continue to program running in Metcons but there will always be an indoor option available.
Let’s get F%#\ing Strong!!
Monday: Squat
Tuesday: Bench Press
Wednesday: Hero WOD
Thursday: Deadlift/Shoulder Press
Friday: Olympic Lift Technique
Back Squat
5 Reps at 65%
5 Reps at 75%
Max Reps at 85%
If you don’t have a recent-ish backsquat number to base the percentages on, add each round then on the last one go for a max set.
max set does not mean you need to fail, but should be a struggle to stand and you would seriously have to consider going back down for another
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15min AMRAP
+10 Abmat Sit-ups
+5 Front Squats 95/65
*30 Double Unders after each Round
RX+ Overhead Squats