Bring a Friend Week 🙌🏻
Goes through Saturday!
TSCF/TVF/TSBB – The Strip CrossFit
Back Squat (8-8-8)
Every 3 Minutes starting at 70%
Workout (AMRAP – Reps)
15min AMRAP or Completion
60/48 Cal Row
40 DB Thrusters 50/35 (Single Hold w both hands)
20 Chest to Bar Pullups
30/24 Cal Row
20 DB Thrusters 50/35 (RX+ 2DBs)
10 Pullups (RX+ Bar Muscle Ups)
The first half of the workout is identical, the second half has two paths avail first is the same as the initial movements the other goes to 2DBs for Thrusters and Bar Muscle Ups for pullups