Oct 26th: 7yr CF and 3yr Tread Anniversary Workout along with UFC Fights & BBQ to follow
Nov 16th: In House Competiton details to be announced soon!
Nov 25th: The Start of Our Holiday Hustle year end fitness closeout
Dec 7th: Holiday Party (location and time TBA)
TSCF/TVF/TSBB β The Strip CrossFit
Barbell Cycling and Gymnastics (Weight)
Alternating Minutes for 10min
-1 Complex of (20sec or less)
5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Shoulder to Overhead
-5 Challenging Reps of Choice
Strict Pull-up/KippingPU/C2B/BMU
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
3min AMRAP (0-3)
30 Hang DB Clean and Jerks 50/35
Remaining time Toes to Bar
*Rest 1 Min (3-4)
2min AMRAP (4-6)
20 Hang DB Clean and Jerks
Remaining time Toes to Bar
Rest 1min (6-7)
1min AMRAP (7-8)
10 Hang DB Clean and Jerks
Remaining time Toes to Bar