TSCF/TVF/TSBB – The Strip CrossFit
Full Week Programming
Changing up the order for a few weeks and gonna add in a double squats. This being said if you want to do tuesdays at overhead you still have an opportunity to lift heavy later in the week. Lets GO!!
Monday: Bench Press and Barbell Row
Tuesday: Front or Overhead Squat
Wednesday: Long Form Conditioning
Thursday: Back Squat & Dip
Friday: Clean & Jerk Metcon Fun!
Bench Press (5-5-5+/-)
Every 3min Building
5 reps at 65%
5 reps at 75%
Max Reps at 85%
Superset with Double Bentover DB Rows
Workout (Time)
20min AMRAP
25/20 Cal Row
20 Pushups
15 DB Hang Cleans 50s/35s
10 DB Push Press 50/35 or HSPU