TSCF/TVF/TSBB – The Strip CrossFit
Full Week Programming
Monday: Bench & Pullups
Tuesday: Deadlift & Strict Press
Wednesday: Longer Cardio and Stretch
Thursday: Olympic Lift
Friday: Back Squat
Deadlift (3-3-3+/-)
3 Reps at 70%
3 Reps at 80%
Max Reps at 90%
Shoulder Press (3-3-3+/-)
Workout (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15min AMRAP
10 Push Press 135/95
30sec Rest
10 Front Rack Lunges 135/95
30sec Rest
10 Box Jumps 30″
30sec Rest
Scale to a weight that allows for at minimum 3-4 rounds unbroken reps. This should have a similar feel to an EMOM