TSCF/TVF – The Strip CrossFit
Workout (4 Rounds for time)
3 Rounds of:
200m Run, 250/200m Row or 15/10 Cal Bike
20 Back Rack Lunges 95/65 (10 Each)
3 Rounds of:
200m Run, 250/200m Row or 15/10 Cal Bike
25 Sit-ups
3 Rounds of:
200m Run, 250/200m Row or 15/10 Cal Bike
20 Back Rack Lunges 95/65 (10 Each)
3 Rounds of:
200m Run, 250/200m Row or 15/10 Cal Bike
25 Situps
This is steady state cardio. The goal is to finish each block with about 1-2min remaining.